Word Clouds Based on Topic-Modeling Per Century!
This study embarked on an exploration of poetry themes across four centuries, utilizing computational techniques to reveal insights into the predominant topics of poetic discourse. The methodology involved gathering a collection of poems from each century, meticulously processing them to extract textual data. Each century's corpus underwent preprocessing steps where common stopwords were removed, ensuring that the subsequent analysis focused on meaningful content words.
Topic Modeling techniques, specifically Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), were employed to uncover underlying themes within the poetry. LDA facilitated the identification of distinct topics by modeling how words co-occur in the poems. For each century, the model discerned several topics, each characterized by a set of key terms that encapsulated the prevalent subjects and motifs in the poetry.
Word Cloud Generation was utilized as a visual representation tool to portray the essence of each identified topic. Word clouds succinctly depicted the frequency of top terms associated with each topic, with larger font sizes indicating higher frequency. These visualizations offered a clear glimpse into the thematic landscapes of poetry from different centuries, showcasing how poetic discourse evolved and persisted across time.
Word Cloud Code
Using LDA for 5 iterations and combining the words into one place, I was able to create a combined wordcloud for each century. Enjoy!
17th Century
Fate seems to be a reoccurring theme here as well as: Fair, eternal, nationalism, virtue, love, soul, heaven, great. A truly optimistic age.
18th Century
Thee, Thou, Thy--Love is a theme that is all encompassing, none more so than the 18th century. The final flame of the romantic age.
19th Century
The 19th Century seems more cosmic and anxious. Beauty can so farstem the tide of cosmic meaningless, at least, in this era. People looked into the tiny things for meaning, eyes, ever, sky, light etc.
20th Century
All optimism got down and everything is almost negative. What is said is important, as well as what like what. People are looking for commonalities and shall find them in the dead rocks.